Neck Pillow

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Hot/Cold Pack - Choose between Caramel Daisy or Poppy

Want Soothing relief from aches and pains?

Well so did Elizabeth's mother.  A number of years ago, elizabethW set about developing a warming pack to soothe her aches and pains. After a comprehensive analysis of fillings, sewing countless prototypes, and testing different materials, a design took shape for the elizabethW HOT/COLD PACK, and it really works. 

The heart of the design is its zone control whereby the cotton pack is segmented into sections to allow for even distribution of heat. She uses flaxseed as it has excellent temperature balance, and unlike other fillings, flaxseed is nearly 40% oil - not water that evaporates over time. Equally important, flaxseed conforms to the body so the pack nestles into the neck or wraps around knees with ease. The silk, wool, or linen outer cover is removable, and the pack comes in a bag for storage.

To use, simply warm in a microwave for relief from common ailments, stress, and tension. Another benefit, freeze the pack and use on sprains, swelling and bruising.

For those inclined towards the dark side, this one's for you.